However, less than halfway through the reading you get bored and decide not to finish it. Do you think it was a mistake to create that white paper and offer it on a blogspot? Or on the contrary, is the white paper aimed at another b2c email list type of buyer persona? Good for you if you think that the material was created for b2c email list another type of buyer persona , because this type of material may be boring for you, that you may flirt with the terms, but it is definitely created for professionals in the area or topic in question. . Who reads white papers? With what was said in the previous section, it is clear that there is a very specific audience for this type of material, because white books or white paper are a kind of degree work.
Do you remember your university project? Page summaries, citation pages, incredible stats, and it was all presented in a rather academic tone. But unlike your final undergraduate project, white papers do have an audience that is b2c email list interested in in-depth studies on a particular topic. Therefore, we conclude that those who read the white papers are people with an interest in deep research on a topic, sector, or business. The b2c email list structure of a b2c email list white paper how to squeeze all the juice out of a white paper to attract qualified leads the example of the undergraduate project at the university was perfect to help you understand what the structure of a white paper should look like.
Let's see, let's remember, how was your thesis? We help you remember: initially, a kind of background was presented to later pose a problem; this problem was delved into and later the possible solutions were mentioned, b2c email list emphasizing each one of them. Although more than one racked the head, it is really simple when we see it in hindsight. Well, the white paper is very similar: cover with title. Summary of the content. b2c email list Presentation of a problem (which must also be solved). Explanation of the problem or case. The resolution of the problem mentioning and some of its products, whenever it is naturally possible. A conclusion or perspective of the company or brand. Description of the company and contact channels (website, email, rrss, etc.).